Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Some more Flipbook Practice

Here is another Flipbook rampup exercise which is a ball rolling on a hill. Since the Holidays are coming up and I'll be off work I'm intending to get some things done so I should have some new stuff to show when I get back.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bouncin Ball

Finished the first part of exercise 1 for JR, Plan to translate it to 3D in the next day or so.

Also an update on Sonic, the rig is almost done so I should have him in some poses even in an animation soon.

Update 12/17/08:

Worked on the 3D version of the Exercise, also learned how to start using maya to animate. Now that I have this first exercise done I'm gonna pick up the pace to do the rest pretty fast.

Update on Sonic coming soon

Monday, December 8, 2008

First in Flipbook

This is my first attempt at doing anything in Digicell Flipbook, this is the program I'll be using to skecth out animations first as reommended by Jason Ryan on his webinar this past Saturday and in his videos.

Just a simple Ball Rolling

Friday, December 5, 2008

Whats Going On

Hey Everyone, ok so the intial post last night was to just get things up and running here, I'm gonna be posting a few topics here in a little while with W.I.P images for some of the stuff I'm working on at the moment

So currently the projects I have going are :
-Sonic the Hedgehog Character Model
-Macbook Model
-a WWII Memorial Piece

As they get more updated from where they are I'll be sure to post them up for your critques and comments. Also on the right side bar I linked a gallery to final Renders of projects I have done, you can click on them for a high res image and also see some project gallerys with Final renders of the project aswell as W.I.P images from when I was making it.

I'm also finally getting on doing some of the videos I aquired from Jason Ryan Animation, just to rekinder my skills in that arena, and also plan to start doing some game related material very soon so I can start getting something together to send out.


Thursday, December 4, 2008


Hey Everyone my names Adam Bradish and this is will be the blog for my website: http://www.adambradish.com

On this Blog I intend to show things I am currently working on for my demo reel / project I'm currently working on if permited. If you have any comments or suggestions on a certain piece I'd love to hear it cause that makes the piece that much better and helps me grow as a 3D artist.

I'm gonna try and update this on a regular basis so be sure to keep checking back.

catcha later
